
How To Make a Bonsai Tree

Are want to know how to Make a bonsai tree.Yes, you are the right place. There are many ways to make a bonsai . At first, a bonsai is a potted tree of almost any species. It is through techniques and training that a bonsai is made as we understand it. To these techniques we must add the account in years that it may involve.

How To Make a Bonsai Tree

These are some options with which we can obtain a bonsai tree. But there is even more… on our website you will find articles and tutorials to make a bonsai in many of these ways.

  1. Make a bonsai from scratch with seeds . Designing the tree over the years, in the process known as “training” through the different phases of cultivation until it becomes a  bonsai .
  2. With cuttings . Obtaining cuttings from trees with good characteristics , from our own bonsai, from parks, or pruning remains. It is a method that saves many years and gives you free trees
  3. From nursery. Purchasing and training nursery trees initially intended for landscaping.
  4. Working  prebonsais , economic trees with a very basic training and design of selected species.
  5. Buying  a commercial bonsai  in your store, mall and such establishments. They are cheap and allow us to learn the basic techniques and work our first tree.
  6. Through the purchase of bonsai among amateurs.
  7. Acquiring quality trees , in professional bonsai establishments

Read More : Ultimate Guides How To Grow A Bonsai Tree from Seed?

How to Start to Make a Bonsai ?

Very briefly, these are the formulas by which a bonsai is produced. As you can see, you can get one in many ways. But we are going to tell you in detail what each system consists of so that you can start as soon as possible if this is your passion.

And if you want, we have at your disposal tutorials, articles and sheets on how to make bonsai with each of these techniques.

You have no excuse to get down to business. Make a bonsai from seed or with a nursery plant. You choose.

From the most expensive to the cheapest. You can choose between going to the nursery, buying a bonsai from a professional or planting your  own seeds to control the crop and guide your designs from the start. It depends on your patience and budget.

When talking about  training , we refer to the  set of techniques for bonsai and cultivation that allow the tree to be kept in a pot , with well-cared roots, a green mass commensurate with its size and excellent health.

The best advice for newcomers, bonsai beginners and novice enthusiasts is to work with simple, cheap, commercial bonsai and pre  -bonsai material (always indigenous or adapted to our climate) and at the same time start planting seeds and obtaining seedlings for future bonsai . To train.

You can also get cheap bonsai material in nurseries, it is a very entertaining activity and allows us to train the eye in the qualities that a bonsai should have.

Buy a bonsai online

Buying a commercial bonsai online at an online store is a quick and easy way to get your bonsai to start with .

Commercial bonsai are very similar to each other, but even so, if you want to choose one in particular, the professionals from whom you buy your first bonsai will be happy to send you photos to choose exactly the one you like best.

Specialized bonsai shops work with  reduced shipping and fast services , sometimes with . You can have your bonsai tree at home in 24 hours at home . the best price

You can also take advantage of the size and include tools, fertilizer or pots for bonsai and everything you need.

Traditional bonsai shops are scarce, if you don’t have a shop nearby, you can get your bonsai tree online and start living the hobby right now. Buying online is becoming easier and safer.

If you live in a warm or tropical climate, we advise you to start with a ficus bonsai or a Chinese elm bonsai, the carmona and the  sageretia , because they are accessible and very cheap.    

If you have cold winters,  the bonsai of elm parvifolia, olive or wild olive tree  and  maple  are your choice.

How to make your own bonsai from seeds.

Pinus thunbergii seeds

Undoubtedly the deepest and most satisfying way to get a bonsai is through seeds .

The spiritual connection that bonsai promotes as an oriental art , gains value in this way, relating the human being with nature, the fleeting, life and death.

If you want to grow a bonsai from seed, at Bonsaiall.com you will find everything you need. Not only seeds of different varieties, but also articles and tutorials on how to germinate and stratify seeds, how to plant them so that they grow healthy and how to gradually design seedlings as bonsai.

If you want to buy bonsai seeds , find some of the best species and varieties ( maples , pines , etc) in our seeds section.

This formula, known as “misho bonsai” in Japanese, is perfect for getting a cheap bonsai. You can get everything you need to get started with any of the kits we offer. They include substrates, tools and some varieties of seeds of the most suitable species for bonsai.

Get your bonsai with nursery material

Nurseries are the best and most accessible sources to get trees that we can turn into bonsai.

The number of varieties and species, of conifers, deciduous, fruit trees and shrubs that we can find, is unrivaled.

If you are starting, do not hesitate to approach your nearest nursery. There is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered.

Keep in mind that not everyone approaches the nursery with “bonsaist eyes”.

What we are looking for is what is usually known as “material with a future” or “pre-bonsai with qualities”. A tree with minimal characteristics that are sought in bonsai to develop them.

If you want to make a bonsai with a nursery tree , we have prepared a guide for you with tips and ideas that will surely come in handy to choose the tree in the nursery with criteria that can guide you in how to select valid material as prebonsai. .

And why do I have to follow some rules or regulations to choose a nursery tree that I want to make bonsai?

Well, it’s simple. In the production of garden plants, none of the aesthetic or natural guidelines that bonsai and its techniques pursue are taken into account.

To avoid wasting years correcting errors, or achieving results in less time, we have to be quite selective, avoid impulses and rigorously assess the tree that interests us. If it is suitable, we will take it with us, but if it does not offer those necessary qualities, it is better to leave it there.

And why do I have to follow some rules or regulations to choose a nursery tree that I want to make bonsai?

Well, it’s simple. In the production of garden plants, none of the aesthetic or natural guidelines that bonsai and its techniques pursue are taken into account.

To avoid wasting years correcting errors, or achieving results in less time, we have to be quite selective, avoid impulses and rigorously assess the tree that interests us. If it is suitable, we will take it with us, but if it does not offer those necessary qualities, it is better to leave it there.

How To Make Bonsai From Cuttings

Get to make a bonsai through a cutting.

A cutting is just a branch cut from a tree. They are also called stakes, pegs, rods or rods .

Plants have the ability to sprout roots when cut from the mother tree , reproducing an entire tree from just one piece.

This wonderful capacity is what we use to reproduce many species, completely free and only with some peat and a pot.

Think about it. If you like the look of a tree in a park or garden, with only a small branch, you can reproduce it in your home .

It is one of the most used forms by professionals and amateurs around the world. You can also make your cuttings.

Do you want to know how to make bonsai cuttings? Well, click and get to work from now on.

Buy a bonsai in specialized stores.

Bonsai professionals offer you proven quality products, suitable species for bonsai and also advice. Unfortunately these types of establishments are rare.

Many times the problem is the great distance between our place of residence and the establishment.

There are many of us fans who have taken advantage of a trip, for business or vacation, to visit a specialized nursery.

Even the associations organize weekend trips to visit the facilities of some renowned professionals and a wide variety of products where the fan finds everything he may need at a good price.

Do you know other ways to make your own bonsai? Well, tell us your experience in the comments, so we can continue learning.

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