
How to Take Care of A Money Tree?

If you are a bonsai lover or bonsai gardener.Many bonsai lovers wants to grow money plant indoor. But ,most the bonsai beginners do not know how to take care of a money tree indoor.In this articles ,we will share about how to take care of a money tree.

One of the best ways to bring freshness to our home and achieve a natural and welcoming environment is to include plants in the interior decoration. In addition to being an economic option, there are different species that can offer us psychological benefits and generate positive vibes, and one of them is the  Pachira Aquatica , also known as the ” Money Tree “.

Where does it come from?

It is a plant of Central and South American countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil and Peru, with an abundance of shiny palmate leaves and a trunk that is usually braided as it grows, which undoubtedly characterizes it.

Pachira, found naturally in swampy areas, is an arboreal species in the family Bombaceae and is known by many names according to the region in which it is found. According to Feng Shui followers, the Aquatic Pachira or Money Tree has the quality of attracting prosperity and luck. Let’s see why.

Why do they call it the money tree?

Legend has it that a farmer in Taiwan, mired in poverty, begged the gods for a solution to support his family. One day he saw a pachira in his land and assumed that his prayers had been answered. He was able to reproduce it and braid its trunks, piqued the interest of many. With the help of the sale, the farmer moved on and became rich, for which the plant received the name “money tree”.

Hence the popular belief indicates that whoever owns and cares for this tree, their home will never lack money and will always attract wealth.

According to feng shui masters, the braided stem of the aquatic plant represents yin and yang, interconnected and balanced, while its leaves, which grow in groups of five and in a pattern that has been compared to the human hand, represent the 5 elements: water, Fire, wood, metal and earth, which together attract positive energy, luck and good health.

Also, according to this Chinese technique, if we have a plant with Seven leaf branches, it represents a lot of prosperity.

Activate good Energy

Connecting with nature through money trees will bring harmony and tranquility to our surroundings, giving them an original and comfortable look at the same time. In Asian culture it is used as one of the ways to balance a room if some basic feng shui element is missing.

Braided Pachira symbolizes prosperity and good luck both at home and in the office, so it is used as a wedding gift, for new business, after buying a new home and to enhance interior spaces.

Great for Decorations

The money tree is ideal for decorating living rooms and large rooms, as long as they have enough natural light, since it is suitable for indoor environments, but it needs indirect sunlight. When grown outdoors it produces large, fragrant flowers with beautiful yellow-orange stamens.

We can use a large plant to decorate the corner of the room or a small plant on the desk or dresser. Due to its great height, it is also useful to divide two environments if we place one next to the other or combine it with other plants.

Easy to grow and care for

The money tree is striking due to the particular shape of its stems and its vibrant color. The braiding of the trunks can be done only when the plant is very young and the stems are still flexible. It grows between 3 and 5 meters high indoors, and up to 10 meters outdoors.

Its growth will depend on the size of the pot in which it is planted and that it has moderately moist soil. If our intention is for the Pachira to be a small tree, we should use a medium-sized pot. If we want it to continue growing, we have to transplant it every two years to a larger container.

In general, it is an easy plant to grow and care for, we just have to make sure to place it in a space with sufficient lighting, and protect it from the cold, since it does not tolerate temperatures below 10°C.

How to take Care of A Money Tree?

Although they can grow up to 60 feet in the wild, indoor meaning trees are usually 6 to 8 feet tall and can be trained as bonsai if you want to keep it short. The key to growing a money tree indoors is to give it the right amount of light and water. The good news is that Tucker plants are hard to over-water, making them ideal for those who tend to kill their plants with too much TLC.

When grown outdoors, the money tree produces stunning yellow-white flowers, which are eventually replaced by large seed pods with peanut-like nuts inside. However, the plant does not flower when grown indoors, as it requires pollination to do so – a task usually performed by bats in the wild. Nevertheless, given proper care indoors, money plants can simultaneously flourish and enhance positive energy in your home.

Here the some tips how to take care of a money tree

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Your location matters

If we have an Aquatic Pachira, it is essential to locate it in the best place to activate its positive vibrations and reflect this energy in the form of money. If we place it in our home, we must keep in mind that the east and southeast are ideal coordinates to attract abundance.

We can allocate a place for it by the window in the living room or in our bedroom, making sure that it does not receive direct sunlight or drafts of very cold air. Ideally, it should be in a place with a temperature between 16 and 24 ° C.

If we place a Pachira in our business, it has been recommended that we place it near the cash register, adorning it with red ribbons. Both at home and at work, this plant is usually placed near the place where we keep our money

The Light

Outdoors, money plants can tolerate direct sunlight, but indoors they should be kept in bright to moderate indirect light, at least six hours a day. They will also do well under fluorescent lighting.

Temperature and Humidity

Money tree appreciates mild temperatures and high humidity. Generally, they should be kept between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and not near any warm or cold drafts. Since the indoor environment is usually dry, you can increase the humidity around your money plant by placing it over a gravel tray filled with water, misting the leaves regularly, or using a small space humidifier.

The Soil

A well-drained, nutrient-rich potting soil is best for money plants. A peat moss-based mix would be ideal, but a simple fast-draining soil mix such as regular cactus or potting soil would also work. If the soil needs more drainage, you can amend the mixture with sand or gravel.

Little water and good drainage

Our money tree does not need a lot of water, which for many is a relief. We should only water it every seven to ten days, or when the soil is dry to the touch, since it must remain moist. The Pachira is a very resistant plant, so if it starts to look sick we must make sure that we are not watering it too much.

It is also important that it has good drainage to avoid puddles, as excess water can rot its roots. Rather, to keep it fresh we can use a spray bottle once a week to moisten its leaves, as long as it is not in direct sunlight.

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Although the Pachira Aquatica is resistant to disease, it is advisable to apply a good fertilizer 3 or 4 times a year during the growing season to keep it healthy. We can apply a liquid fertilizer diluted in 50% water.

This plant is susceptible to the presence of small insects during the spring season. In this case we can clean it with a damp cloth and spray it with soapy water on the areas where the insects are.

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Prune it and shape it

To prevent our money tree from growing excessively, losing its shape sideways or upwards, we must prune its branches regularly. It is recommended that you prune 1.5 cm above those branches that form a V and at a steep angle.

The traditional pruning of these plants is round, but we can give it any other shape if we want to increase its attractiveness. To achieve this, you have to observe the tree, draw imaginary lines and carefully cut the leaves and stems that protrude from these lines.

If we plant it in the garden, we should prune it less frequently, just to guarantee healthy growth and constantly remove damaged or diseased leaves.

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How to Propagate of Money Tree?

Propagate your money tree using stem cuttings in spring or summer, when the plant is actively growing. Start by cutting 10- to 15-centimeter cuttings and placing them in water to grow roots. After a few weeks, when the roots have developed enough, dip the cuttings in a rooting hormone and transfer them to soil. Money trees can also be propagated by air layering, which is a slightly more complicated method but gives better results.

Potting and repotting of a Money tree

Potting your money tree is only necessary if you want your tree to grow. If you want to keep your money tree small, keeping it in a small container is one of the best ways to do it. When choosing a container for your plant, always make sure it has enough drainage holes, as money plants do not like their roots to sit in water and can easily rot if proper drainage is not provided.

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Common Pests and Diseases

How To Take of a Money Tree

Credit : Pinerest.com

The money tree plant is susceptible to common insects such as aphids and spider mites, which suck the sap and drain the plant of moisture. Besides these little bugs, mealybugs, scales and whiteflies love the phloem sap from money trees. As a result, the leaves turn yellow. To repel these bugs, increase humidity and use an insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Red spider mites suck the sap from the leaves, causing the leaves to shrivel and discolor. These animals spread quickly and are easily detected by small spider webs. Isolate an infected plant and treat with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Increase humidity to keep them from returning; Insects prefer dry conditions.

These plants are particularly susceptible to mealybugs and scale in indoor conditions. Treat infestations with mild insecticidal soap or neem oil. The fungus eats the roots of the money tree; Adults feed on fungi growing in moist soil. This causes the leaves to turn yellow or dry up. Be sure to let the soil dry out between waterings and make sure the pot is the right size and has adequate drainage to prevent pest infestation.

In short, the money tree  is an excellent option to include in any type of decoration . It is easy to grow, low maintenance, not very susceptible to diseases and, in addition, it will bring us prosperity. Connecting with a Pachira Aquatica or money tree will allow the positive energy of our home and business to begin to flow and generate good fortune.

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